Monday, June 20, 2011

I Took the Weekend Off

I had planned to be good, but that didn't happen.  After eating extra calories at my lunch meeting on Friday, I was discouraged.  I ended up not counting my food for the whole weekend.  But looking back, I didn't do too bad.  I ate fairly reasonable and made healthy choices.  I finally had some of the ice cream I'd been craving for several weeks, but it was a smaller amount than what I would usually have.  And I really enjoyed it, which should always be true of what we eat.  How many times do we put food in our mouths and not really taste it?  I know for me, the answer is way too much.  I eat because its there but I can't say I truly enjoyed it.  But the ice cream, which by the way was vanilla with hot fudge and peanut butter, was awesome.  I savored every bite.  So I'm not too disappointed with myself and it's a new week.  I'm back to being good.

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